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Saturday, November 3, 2012


There are some very simple ways of enhancing our personal health and well-being. Many times we look at cleansings as hard to do, unpleasant, and sometimes results in the exacerbation of symptoms.

I’m going to present a couple cleanses now; cleanses that are pleasant to do, require very little equipment, and lead to powerful results. Spas were originally developed as ways of purifying the body, enhancing the immune system, and strengthening and building reserves. Many of the pampering techniques that we use in spas were devised to be cleansing systems.

The first of these cleansing systems I’d like to present is called skin scraping.  The Chinese refer to scraping as guasha. It has been used overtly in other health  and wellness techniques, but usually is not the core of the technique. Rolfing, in the original form, had, as a side effect, a type of stimulation of the skin and underlying tissue. We referred to as skin drag. It wasn’t pleasant as when we use of oil -like in a Swedish massage, so many rolfers started using massage oils and lotions-and back in the 60s -a little water on the fingertips to minimize skin drag.  

Guasha supposedly brings sha or toxins out to the surface of the skin. It shows up as a redness, dimpling and a  speckling of the skin that often results in a deep red , blue,  turning purple or black in the skin.  The Chinese would see this as a very effective quasha session. if the coloring does appear, it leaves in a few days. Because guache is usually performed in parts of the body that are covered by clothes  The discoloring is seldom seen. 
This is a picture of the tools frequently used in quasha. They are liniment or lotion, and a blade. This picture has two different styles of guasha blades. They’re both made of carved buffalo horn but in different shapes. The curved shape helps work around the finger bones but I also like it on my back. The sharp pointer is for places like in the ear and between the toes  or specific small spots. 

There are other tools that can be used for guasha. The Vietnamese frequently use a large worn coin. I have seen rounded jar lids used in much the same way as the coin or the wguasha blade. 

 The process of scraping:

 I usually hold the blade as illustrated below. It’s a comfortable grip for me and doesn’t put strain on my thumbs. There’s nothing special about the way of holding it but it leaves the edge available for rubbing. I was instructed to hold the blade at 15°. I’m not really sure what that meant so I just copied what the teacher did. You can copy how I do it if that works for you. 
The Back:

The most frequent use of scraping is along the spine over the long spinal erector muscles of the back.   The back scraping is frequently used for lung and bronchial conditions as well as for tired back muscles to help prevent spasms. The scraping strokes begin right below the head and continue down the back on either side of the spinal column all the way down the sacrum to the tailbone. Each stroke should push a little hill of flesh ahead of it. Five or more strokes down each side of the back should bring about some pink coloration and maybe look like rashes or welts.   Later on, a bruising look may emerge. Some older people may get this discoloration very easily, showing bruising where the stroking is done. This bruising can be called senile atrophic dermatitis in medicine. Another session of stroking should not be done until the redness and bruising is totally disappeared. This is not to say that the bruising or discoloration is wrong, it actually may be a result of increased toxins waiting to come out of the body. But please wait until the body resolves one session before initiating a second session.  Typically the amount of discoloration diminishes from session to session as you progress. 
 In addition to vertical strokes down the back from the head to the tailbone, horizontal strokes may be used, from the spinal column out to the edge of the torso. These can include strokes along the trapezius to the point of the shoulder, 

from the spinal column out, crossing the shoulder blade to the point of the shoulder, 

and lower, from the spinal column out to the axilla or armpit area.

This can be  continued downward to include the lower back.

Extreme practices, for professionals only (if ever)

Some practitioners continue past the point of pink or red coloration until little red specks like blood come up right below the surface. This could be continued until it looks like you have a bruise right below the skin or as it’s called a hickey.  And, in some of the more extreme practices of guasha, the stroking is continued until blood actually breaks through the surface. Sometimes acupuncture needles are used, especially the spear shaped needles, They help bring the blood to the surface. I don’t practice any of these more extreme forms of scraping. They seem a lot like the bleeding practices of early American medicine.  These practices do have some medical relevance but not to be practiced generally. 

The “facelift”, less the surgery

The face work is usually started on the forehead.  Placing one hand to cover the hairline so as not to pull the delicate hairs in the process, place the tool at the bridge of the nose and stroke upward, moving that role of tissue, until reaching the hand covering the hairline.  Use five upward strokes here. The next strokes are to the right and to the left of that central line until the whole forehead is covered, each area with five strokes. The forehead can also be stroked outward from the midline to the right and left edges of the forehead, once again five strokes in each direction.
The next area to work is immediately below the eyes. starting from the nose and going below the orbit, just slightly catching the skin below the eye and move the role outward until reaching the hair. This area below the eyes can be very sensitive and must be done with equal sensitivity. The tool may actually go up over and inside the edge of the orbit. After completing five strokes from the nose to the hair on the right and on the left,  move on to the jaw line. Starting on the upper lip and move horizontally across to the ear. Once again five strokes on each side moving the roll of tissue ahead of the blade. Then go from the lower lip and chin outwards to the hair and below the ear five strokes on the right and five strokes on the left moving a roll of tissue with the tool. Then go from the angle of the mandible and stroke upward in front of the ear to the hairline;   5 strokes on each side. The next stroke is from the outer edge of the smile and nose across the labial fold, also known as smile lines, out to the ear. Five strokes on each side completes this. The neck can be very sensitive using this technique but it can be done gently and with consideration for things like plaquing in the carotid artery, and juggler veins. Always stroke upward very gently from the collarbones up to the jaw line.

These techniques are generally carried out by a qualified practitioner. Using sufficient care, sensitivity, and knowledge gained from your health practitioner, these techniques can be done on yourself at home. Just remember to use a good quality oil or lotion with no toxins, sensitive touch, and mindfulness.

Scraping other areas of the body 

 The arms, legs, feet, and hands,  as well as the front of the torso,may receive benefits  from scraping therapy. It’s often done along acupuncture meridians. The stroking generally goes from midline out to the periphery on the arms legs, feet, and hands, but may be done in the opposite direction also. There are some unique strokes used around the joints, between the finger bones of the hand, the toe bones of the feet, the ankles, wrist, elbows and knees. You can actually do these the same way as the other stroking but just be very gentle and sensitive. On the front of the torso the stroking is frequently in the upward direction or in the outward direction from midline to the sides. Once again the acupuncture meridians are often used, but I don’t follow the meridians myself, with a few exceptions.

After your scraping session

A nice warm bath in sea salt or epsom salt may be taken after a session of scraping. This can help relax and continue the drawing out of toxins. After bathing you may want to apply and oil or lotion, only after examining the ingredients to be sure that this lotion or oil can nurture you instead of adding toxins to your system. I prefer a product called Enliven, a face soil, that contains emu oil, soluble vitamin C, vitamin E, and a couple other nutrients. There are good oils on the market; lotions frequently have preservatives which could have negative effects on the skin and our physiology. Just be aware of the ingredients that you’re using. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mental Cleansing #1

In terms of our mind and emotions, many times, we stuff our secrets-things with which we are not content about ourselves-deep down where no one can see them.  We hold onto these things so as to avoid the disapproval from being detected by others.  We hold onto this for so long, that holding becomes automatic and to let go is an irrelevant concept.

We don't have a convenient emotional purgative as we have for the colon.  We do discuss cathartic both in both emotional and physical contexts.  As with the colon cleanse, I would like to present a means for cleansing the mind and emotions;  one  that is gentle-like the colon cleanse we presented:

In your journal or in another private place, write clearly, what you would like to present about yourself to your friends and to the world;  what you would most like for people to think about you;  what you would like for your epitaph; or in whatever way you want to present that.

Next, write what you most do not want others to know about you;  what you think would result in your final abandonment if others knew;  those deep, dark, buried secrets.

The question that I strive to remember, but not to answer, is:  how can I live without this dichotomy?
Do I have to get rid of or be content with the parts I disapprove of?  Can I maximize those parts of me that I want to project?  

Most spirituals practices present  a way of accommodating this duality.  Some present the 'bad' as coming from a force outside ourselves.  Another talks about recognizing and 'being with' that  other part of you, and possibly contextualizing it so as to make it useful rather than shameful and negative.

I prefer the Zen point of view in spiritual and mental development.  By learning what is real and what is a construct of the mind, we can effortlessly drop the negative ideas that burden our life, and live more freely in the bliss that reality affords.   Here we are embracing the concept of believing.  Now we can more fully embrace that which we most appreciate in life-as a choice.

Just because something isn't true, doesn't mean you can't believe in it, Sometimes things that may or may not be true, are the things a man needs to believe in the most.
People are basically good.  
Honor, courage and virtue mean everything, power and money mean nothing.  Good always triumphs over evil and true love never dies.  Those are things worth believing in, true or not.
-Second Hand Lions

What would your life be like if you were truly free?  Would you loose that uncomfortable heaviness?  Would friends be drawn to who you really are?  Is all this possible?

Friday, June 15, 2012

Liver-Gallbladder Flush

The liver-gallbladder drink first thing in the morning

Cut into pieces, one lemon and blend with 10 ounces of water.  Free ripe organic lemons are available to registered participants, by coming to our house and picking them, or picking them up from the office in Del Mar.
Strain the lemon pulp from the juice.  Combine the lemon juice with 8-10 ounces of orange juice, preferably, fresh organic, and some fresh ginger (optional, but tastes good and soothes the stomach) or ginger extract powder (about 1 1/2 tsp powder or 1 1/2 thumb sized chunk). 
Add 1 tablespoon olive oil, or walnut oil (use cold pressed).  Use 1 tablespoon the first day.  Increase the oil daily until you are using 1/4 cup (4 tablespoons) oil per drink 
Addition of garlic (up to 3 cloves) is beneficial for helping prevent infections as old stones are passed. 
Blend and drink on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, followed by a couple cups of herbal tea or water.
Continue the above routine first thing upon rising, for seven days, layoff for seven days, and on for another seven days.  This second 7 days, you don't have to ramp up on the oil, but start at 4 tablespoons and continue there for the week.

Why clean the liver and gallbladder?

This completes the basic liver-gallbladder flush.  This should not be done until after a colon cleanse.  This is an easy cleanse-no special diet.  The value of quality oil in your diet should not be overlooked.  As you use CRONOMETER to track your diet, look for the amount of mono-saturated fats, as well as omega 3 oils.  After the cleanse, keep these high in your daily diet.  This cleanse can be repeated frequently, but the first week of ramping up on the oil is no longer needed.  

The liver is our major system for removing toxins from the blood and digestive tract.  Tylenol is deadly to the liver 70% of the people waiting for a liver transplant are suffering because of Tylenol poisoning.  Environmental toxins increase this toxic load.  Short changing yourself on oils because of calorie control results in congesting the gall bladder, which can become overloaded with stones.  After age 35 or so, our liver converts a certain amount of our testosterone to estradiol and dht, by the liver, in a process known as aromatase.  This also needs cleaning out.  

There are more extreme gallbladder flushes, but usually this done does the trick.  There are teas and supplements that can help with the cleansing, but should be more supervised-and probably unnecessary.  

What could be a result of this cleanse?

You could find your breath becoming sweet, sudden weight loss, increased energy, a new abdominal profile, and you may see stones in the toilet as you pass them.  Digestion can improve and bloating lessened.  Some people put a colander in the toilet, so all the feces are strained to reveal the gall-liver stones.  This is unnecessary but interesting-and can help if you don't know if the cleanse is working.

You could enjoy this beverage every other week forever, if you like it;  though two to four rounds should be sufficient. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Clear Body, Clear Mind


To progress effectively in any aspect of your life, it is imperative to know where you are and where you want to go.  Without knowing your fiber intake, you could be stuck with taking supplements-sometimes useless- the rest of your life.  Use supplements, like Metamucil only initially while you learn how to eat sufficient with your lifestyle.  We aim for 40 grams of fiber per day, initially.

Alice speaks to Cheshire Cat
"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.
"I don't much care where –" said Alice.
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat.
"– so long as I get somewhere," Alice added as an explanation.
"Oh, you're sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only walk long enough."
Cronometer is a free program from  It will track your food consumption and classify your diet in terms of fiber, carbo, fats (of various types), and protein-as well as other, more specific goals.   Keep it simple and just track fiber at first for the colon cleanse.  To progress effectively in any aspect of your life, it is imperative to know where you are and where you want to go.  Without knowing your fiber intake, you could be stuck with taking supplements-sometimes useless- the rest of your life.  Use supplements, like Metamucil only initially- if you need to- while you learn how to eat sufficient for your lifestyle.  We aim for 40 grams of fiber per day, initially.

First:  Clean the colon
These are the 2 ingredients needed for this first cleanse.  Using this coupon code with your order automatically saves you $5.00 on the order.  It will be reflected on your order after filling in the code.



Establish your dose of Formula 1 by taking 1 capsule the first evening with dinner-not before or after- 2 the second evening and so on until you have a satisfying bowel movement first thing the following morning.  Don't go any higher than 5 capsules per evening. This is your working dose of Formula 1 for now.  It may decrease as you progress, as indicated by a stool that is too liquid.

Now, add the Formula 2 routine and add one more capsule to your evening dosage of Formula 1.  The Formula 2 routine involves mixing 1 teaspoon of the black powder to 4-6 oz. fresh juice, consuming it, and follow it with 8-16 oz. water.  Repeat this 4 times per day until the black powder is gone. Continue taking Formula 1 but reducing the dosage so as to avoid liquid stools but still achieve a soft easy bowel movement.

Use Cronometer or similar program to track your fiber use and aim for 40 grams per day in your food consumption.  Drink enough water to keep your urine a light straw color-more is not better.

Walk 30 minutes 6 times per week and 60 minutes 3 times per week-or similar pleasant exercise.  Sit upright without compressing your abdomen, especially 2 hours after eating. 
There is a direct connection between the body, the mind, and the spirit, and the way they function.  No, that is a partial truth.  The body, mind and spirit are all the same, they are all one.  We have the three words and tend to live in the words instead of the experience.  You may not understand this right now, so sit with it as something to ponder, if you choose...but there are not 3 separate entities called BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT.

We are embarking on a series of body cleanses, with an astute eye on the body, mind and spirit as we cleanse the various systems of the body, and energize (tonify) where tone is needed and relax and eliminate restrictions where there is stagnation and tension.

The cleanses are easy, comfortable, if following the instructions -including sequencing the organs cleansed, you should be able to go on with your life.  There are no big diets, no big time chunks of exercise.  You do not have to get sicker to get well.

The first cleanse is a complete colon cleanse, focusing on restoring proper function, as well as cleaning a bowel that could be twisted, sagging, or impinged upon by other organs.  You will be taking 2 supplements daily that can be purchased inexpensively through  You will be given a link to download a free program that will help you identify a certain set of problems in your diet.  A certain physical posture shall be used for maximizing the passage of partially digested food through the alimentary canal.

Sign up at page top left for this free blog if you think you can commit to the next 2 weeks colon cleanse. 

For the rest of the cleanses, the substances are fewer.  For the liver -gall bladder cleanse, you will need olive oil (or oil of your choice) and fresh citrus juice.
for the lymphatic cleanse, you will use food substances only.
For the total cleanse of the blood and lymph, 1-2, 50 pound bags of rock salt will be used.
For the red clover cleanse, whole red clover can be used, or pre-mixed red clover tea, or even the christopher's red clover syrup (which I use because of convenience and taste.)
pH tape will be needed for the physiological balancing, and possibly a calcium supplement.

I can think of no other costs involved with this 10 week program.  We offer rehabilitative exercise classes at no charge twice per week at the beach.  Communication through commenting to the blog is available to you at no charge.
OPTIONAL PROCESSES,  THESE ARE NOT NECESSARY, BUT MAY BE USED AS OUTSOURCED ADJUNCTS TO THE PROGRAM IF YOU DESIRE:  You can use one of our coaches to personally assist you in maximizing your results.  The cost for this daily coach is $250.00 per month, or $100.00 per single, 1 hour session paid to the coach.
We have a short list of colonic practitioners if you choose to use colonics as an aid. 
Saunas can be used or sweating in a hot yoga session can be used and we have a brief list of sauna locations and hot yoga classes.
Massage can be used, and we keep a list of qualified massage practitioners.
Rolfing or structural integration can be valuable, and we have 3 current practitioners that align with our goals.